i'm giving jp's 3 stars, based more on the vegetarian side of things. it' s a cute little wine bar that has been in kansas city for a few years, and about a year ago (i'm guessing) they actually had to double the space because it was so popular. it's one of those places where you'll find art students, aging hipsters, and the business types all mingling. there are typical booths and bar tables, but there are also couch and comfy-chair seating areas for the more casual types.
the prices, unfortunately, aren't super cheap. but neither is the atmosphere. it feels very swank - almost too much so sometimes. for the vegetarian/vegan, they have a handful of cheese flights to choose from ($15/3 cheeses), as well as an antipasto platter. neither of which is strictly vegan, but to my surprise, the cheese flight came with lavosh crackers, grapes, caper berries, olives and pepperocinis. since this is more of a snack and pre-dinner type of place, i found that was plenty to munch on while the others ate the cheese. i haven't had the antipasto platter, but i'm sure it contains an assortment of other vegan-type eats.
the service is great, although it can get pretty crazy in there on a friday and saturday nights. i've never had a bad experience, but it is one of those places that you only stay for one (or maybe two drinks). they do have live music sets, but it's not the type that will disrupt your conversations. overall, i'm giving it three stars based on the prices and sometimes snootier-than-thou atmosphere. but like i said, it's great as a one or two drink social place.

jp's winebar and coffeehouse
1526 walnut
kansas city, mo 64108